Monday, October 24, 2005

Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés (II) Tiempos PERFECTOS y FUT. CONTINUO

Indice general de Say it now
Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés

Segunda entrega

Oraciones: 76 – 135 /617.

Tiempos verbales involucrados


Se recuerda que traducir un texto no es pasar palabras de un idioma a otro. Es interpretar acabadamente en la lengua vernácula lo que otro individuo ha escrito en su propia lengua.
Así, las traducciones que le hacemos llegar pueden contener palabras distintas de las que Ud. ha utilizado sin que esto signifique que su trabajo esté mal.

Se recomienda el uso de un buen diccionario.

Le recordamos que puede Ud. consultarnos las veces que crea conveniente. Se le dará curso a sus dificultades en el día o de un día para otro en

Encontrará las traducciones en TRADUCCIONES

No olvide que las palabras pueden ser grandes impostoras. Traduzca ideas, no palabras.

76. What has he just done? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

No ponga usted "JUSTO"; hay algo mejor.

77. The leaves will be falling soon. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

"Leaves" tiene toda una historia "verde". Es el plural de "leaf".
Cuando se encuentre con tres verbos , ej. "will be falling" , traduzca los dos primero y recién el tercero: "will be" por un lado y "falling" por otro.

78. She told me his name after he had left. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"After" es un nexo entre dos oraciones (after: después de que...)

79. They haven't done it yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Todavía o aún. Elija
"It": ¿ recuerdas "them" o "him", o "her"?

80. When the plane took off l had not yet arrived. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"When" es un nexo.
81. Will you be using it tomorrow? (FUTURO CONTINUO )

Tres verbos.
82.How long have you lived here? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

How long? ¿Cúanto tiempo
83. He's just been to the cinema. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

'S = HAS. ¿Recuerdas que " 's " también puede ser "is"? "He'S going"

84. She had done nothing before she saw me. (PASADO PERFECTO)

En Inglés, si usted NO hace Nada, hace ALGO. / "Before" es un nexo

85. The airplane will be flying over Chicago when you learn about John. (FUTURO CONTINUO )

"Learn" significa algo más que "aprender"

86. She hasn't left the house yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Left: ver Est.78
87. l have been speaking all morning. (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

Espero que no haya dicho sandeces.

88. Have they finished yet? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

89- l won't be going unless you help me. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

O me ayudas o nada. "Unless" es un nexo: a menos que...

90-They thanked him for what he had done. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"For what" es un nexo: "por lo que..."

91- This child has never been to the movies. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

92- When will this student be taking his exam? (FUTURO CONTINUO)

Estos ingleses! Los profesores DAN examen y los alumnos TOMAN examen.

93- l was surprised that it had happened. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"That" es un nexo: que. ¿Recuerdas que puede omitirse?

94- He hasn't written a book since 1970. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

95- When you come back he will have already learnt them. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

"Come" funciona con "back"

96. He has been writing for seven hours. (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

Agotó el bolígrafo.

97- Have you ever cleaned it? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

"Ever" no es el opuesto de "never", ¿recuerdas?

98- He said he had written many short stories. (PASADO PERFECTO)

Written: ver Est.94 / En alguna parte se omitió "That". ¿Dónde? /Short stories: cuentos cortos.

99. By next December the boy will have passed it. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

Passed: ¿Será el paticipio pasado de "pass", "pasar"?

100- This cat has never tasted milk. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

101- The plane will have left before we arrive. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

"Arribar", en castellano, es con "B"

102- They have been living here since 1945. (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

103- The car has just turned right. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

104- The policeman declared he had taken the woman into prison. (PASADO PERFECTO)

Taken: dése una vueltita por Est.92. / Woman: mujer

105- l hope you will not have forgotten it by next June. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

106- She has waited for ten years. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Y sigue esperando.

107- She asked what had happened to the driver. (PASADO PERFECTO)

108-They will have finished long before he comes. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

109- Have you already had tea? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Sí, a las cinco. Gracias.

110-Before you see them they will have opened lt. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

111-Did anybody know what had taken place? (PASADO PERFECTO)

"Taken place" , funcionan juntas
112- lf you don't come back before 10 o'clock they will have done it. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

Recuerde que DONE es el part. pas. de DO

113- My sister hasn't turned the radio on yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

"Turned" funciona con "on", no lo olvides.

114- The race will have started long before we leave home. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

"Start": comenzar y "leave": partir. Una ayudita extra.
115- He dressed after he had washed. (PASADO PERFECTO)

116- When l get back, they'll be having supper. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

117- She has already washed the dishes. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

118- They will have studied it by Monday. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

IT = Lo
119- What have you been doing lately? (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

120- l haven't had breakfast yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Aunque se trata de dos verbos "have", no significan lo mismo
El segundo "Have" (HAD) funciona con "breakfast".

121- She will be doing the washing when he comes. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

Washing no es un verbo (aunque lo parezca) No puede serlo porque lo precede un artículo: "the". " El lavando" no va, ¿verdad?

122- He took it after l had told him not to do it. (PASADO PERFECTO)

123- The car will have won before Leonard is here. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

124- We´ve already read this book. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

125- He will be running when you come. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

126- He died after he had been ill for a long time. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"Be ill" : estar enfermo
127- She hasn't swept the carpet since 1971. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

since: desde
128- l'll be doing it tomorrow morning. (FUTURO CONTINUO )

129- They telephoned me after l had taken a bath. (PASADO PERFECTO)

130- He has just bought a new car. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

131- Only after she had given me the book did l read it. (PASADO PERFECTO)

Este estímulo se las trae.

132- Mr. Smith has sent a great many requests. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

133- They won't be waiting at 7 o'clock. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

134- l met a friend whom l had not seen for a long time. (PASADO PERFECTO)

135- Nobody's seen him so far. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

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