Friday, November 04, 2005

Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés (VI) FORMAS VERBALES Y MODOS

Indice general de "Say it now!"


Sexta entrega

Formas verbales

1.1. There is / are

Ambas formas significan HAY.

There is a book. (Hay un libro)
There are some books. (Hay libros)

THERE IS es singular y THERE ARE es plural.
La forma interrogativa es por inversión: IS THERE?

Forma negativa: THERE lSN'T - THERE AREN'T.

Tratándose de "there" más "BE", éste conjugado, cualquier tiempo verbal de "BE" es corriente.

There is (isN'T ) hay
are(areN'T) hay
has been (hasN'T) ha habido/hubo
was (wasN'T) hubo/había
were (wereN'T) hubo/había
had been (hadN'T) había habido
will be (woN'T) habrá
will have been habrá habido
would be (wouldN'T) habría
would have been habría habido
may be debe de haber
could be (couldN'T) debe de haber
might be podría haber
can be (caN'T) puede haber
may have been debe de haber habido.

Indice general de "Say it now!"


(Incluye ejercitación)

Es muy frecuente encontrar en castellano una serie de preguntas que ratifican los contenidos de oraciones expresadas anteriormente.

Vinieron ayer, ¿verdad?

Este tipo de pregunta no es tan libre en inglés. Se construye sobre la base verbal de la primera oración, está siempre referida a la misma, es corta, como en castellano, pero guarda una íntima relación con el verbo de la oración que se expresa en primer término.

He is coming, isn't he?
They will do it, won't they?

Nótese ahora:

He is not coming, is he?
They won't do it, will they?

La traducción al castellano contemplará necesariamente el uso que esta lengua hace de las aseverativas interrogativas, de tal modo que podrán todas ellas traducirse por un "¿no es cierto? ", ¿verdad?, etc."

He is coming, isn't he? (Viene, ¿no es cierto?)

246-. She never learnS , does she?
La "S" denuncia un presente simple.

247-. He has already studied, hasn't he?

¿Recuerdas el presente perfecto?

248-. They didn't do it on purpose, did they?

¿Y el pasado simple?

249-. Henry was upset, wasn't he?

250-. He can do it, can't he?

251-. They won't learn it, will they?

Futuro simple a la vista!

252-. She sang nicely, didn't she?

Está claro que se usa "did" porque "sang" está en pasado. recuerde que el pasado simple en la forma afirmativa no lleva auxiliar; por eso no aparece "did" en "She sang nicely"

253-. He has a lot of books, hasn't he?

(Verificar traducciones en Traducciones)
Ver Indice general de Say it now

1.3. -GOING TO

(Incluye ejercitación)
Esta expresión seguida por un verbo indica tiempo futuro a la vez que la intención de realizar la acción por parte del que la expresa.

l am going to buy a car. (Voy a comprar un auto.)
l was going to buy a car. (Iba a comprar un auto.)


254-. When are you going to finish it?

255-. What is he going to do with it?

Vaya uno a saber...

256-. They are going to meet again tomorrow.

257-. What !, aren't they going to see it?

¿Se lo van a perder?

258-. He is not going to remember it.

259-. l was going to do it myself.

No te creo.

260-. What are you going to do next?

261-. He is going to show it to his mother.

262-. Where are you going to put it? .

En el trastero

263-. Who was going to give it to me?

(Verificar traducciones en Traducciones)
Ver Indice general de Say it now


(Incluye ejercitación)

"To love", amar
"To run" , correr
"To go out" , salir

Son todos infinitivos. Designan el nombre del verbo. No decimos el verbo amo sino el verbo amar. "Amar" es el infinitivo o nombre del verbo. En inglés todos los verbos forman su infinitivo con la palabra TO antepuesta (algunos verbos, que se designan como especiales, no participan de esta regla. Por ejemplo: CAN - MAY - MUST - OUGHT TO. Se traducen por un infinitivo castellano (correr, amar, salir) o según se indica: "a correr" o "para correr" o "que corra" o "que corriera o corriese".
El infinitivo negativo va precedido de "NOT", ej.: "To be or not to be", ser o no ser; not to do (Ver Est. 272 y 273 más adelante)


1. To run is a verb. (Correr es un verbo.)
2. He came to Spain to run races. (Vino a España a correr carreras.)
3. They ordered him to run. (Le ordenaron que corriera.)

He askED him TO HAVE it made

En algunas estructuras verbales el infinitivo no aparece precedido por "to"
"I saw her arrive", la vi llegar. Así, no debe confundirse con el Presente Simple.


264-. He is inviting him to run.

A que no va...

265-. They came to the circus to see the clowns.

266-. Has he asked you to vlslt Mary?

Está sola Mary...

267-. They order the workers to go on strike.

¿Otra huelga?

268-. lt ts not correct to interfere.

269-. The last man to speak like that was killed.

Like that - así, de esta / esa manera

270-. They laughed to see him fall.

Qué canallas !

271-. He hopes to be here tomorrow.

272-. She was mortified not to learn he was very ill.

273-. She's happy not to live there.

El lugar es espantoso...

274-. She never wanted John to kiss her.

Era muy feo...

275-. Will you ask Peter to go?

(Verificar traducciones en Traducciones)
Ver Indice general de Say it now


TIene la misma forma que el infinitivo pero no va precedido por "to".

Will those WHO are in favour, come please? Hold up your hands first

Put it here.
Póngalo aquí.

Take them there.
Llévelas allá.

La forma negativa del imperalivo lleva DON'T.
Don't come.
No venga.

Don't do it.
No lo haga.

Se trata siempre de acciones dirigidas de 1ra a 2da persona.
Cuando se incluye la 1ra. persona en la acción a realizar se utiliza LET'S.

Let's go..

Let's open it. .

OBSERVACIONES: El uso de DON'T en el imperalivo negativo no debe confundirse con aquel olro del presente simple.
Don't go
No vaya

Presente simple
l don't go.
No voy.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés (V) ORACIONES RELATIVAS

Indice general de "Say it now!"

Quinta entrega

Se trata de proposiciones unidas por pronombres o adverbios relativos.



USO: Se utilizan para unir oraciones.

WHO - quien, Est. 218, 220, 231, 232, 233, 236, 245 (ir)
THAT - que, Est. 217 (ir)
WHOM - a quien / de quien (con "hablar", por ejemplo), Est. 221, 234 (ir)
WHOSE - de quien, cuyo. Est. 216, 235, 237, 239, 243. (ir)
WHERE - donde, Est. 228, 241. (ir)
WHICH - que, cual. Est. 219, 222, 223, 240, 242. (ir)
WHEN - cuando. Est. 230. (ir)
WHY - por la / el cual. Est. 238. (ir)

Ante la presencia de cualesquiera de ellos debo, necesariamente, analizar sobre la base de dos verbos.

The man that he saw was in bed.

SAW y WAS son los dos verbos correspondientes a tantas otras oraciones a saber:

"The man WAS in bed" y "He SAW the man".

A los efectos de suprimir "man" se introduce el pronombre.

The man that he saw was in bed (El hombre que (él) vio estaba en cama).

Tal vez sería importante distinguir entre categorías de oraciones subordinadas: adjetivas o relativas, adverbiales, etc. Sin embargo, no haremos hincapié en esas diferencias, dado que al traducir procedemos del mismo modo, importándonos poco una taxonomía que excede nuestro propósito.
En algunos casos se puede suprimir el pronombre relativo, tal como sucede cuando desempeña función de objeto. Nunca se suprime cuando su función es de sujeto.

Función sujeto

The boy who is at school is feverish...

Elimino "who" y la oración queda: “The boy is at school is feverish”.
Imposible de eliminar. Falta el sujeto de " at school"

Función objeto

The book which l was reading is on the table

Elimino "which" y queda: The book l was reading is on the table.
Perfectamente factible. "The book" es el sujeto de "is on the table" y "I" es el sujeto de "was reading"

Est. 224, 225, 226, 227, 244. (ir)

OBJETO: "The book"
Yo leo. ¿Qué cosa? UN LIBRO. Objeto directo.

Ver Ejercicios

Para abundar: patlannoo@sayitnowinstitute

Monday, October 31, 2005

Seven Short Jokes

Indice general de Say it now


A teacher was telling her pupils what they must and mustn't do with their pets.
'You must make sure that it's clean'. You must feed it properly. You mustn't let it go near the main road. You must never kiss a cat or a dog.'
'That's right, Miss,' said a little boy called Harry. My aunt Alice used to kiss her dog'
'And what happened?' asked the teacher.
'It died.'


Who was telling her pupils what to do with their pets?
What must they make sure of?
What did she say about kissing pets?
Who agreed with her?
Why did Harry agree?
What happened to his aunt's dog?



Doctor I can't really understand what's the matter with you, Mr.Brown. I think it's drink
Mr Brown I understand doctor. I'll come back when you are sober

Translate the passage



How do you get 33 Scotts into a taxi?
Throw a penny in first.



Don't kill your wife with housework !
Let electricity do it



A drunken driver walked into a pub looking very worried.
'Does anyone here own a penguin?' he asked.
'No', said the customers.
'Oh dear', said the driver. 'Then I think I've run over a nun.'



Customers who consider our waitress impolite should see the manager.



A Scot was traveling on a train. The train was crossing the river Forth. The inspector came and asked him for his ticket. The Scot looked in all his pockets but he couldn't find it anywhere. He said that he had lost it.
'I don't believe you', said the guard .'You didn't buy a ticket'. The guard was so angry that he picked up the Scotsman's suit-case and threw it out of the window into the river below.
'Good heavens', said the Scot. 'First you call me a liar and now you drown my son'

Indice general de Say it now

A short Story: "The Fun They Had" (Fiction)

Indice general de Say it now

The Fun They Had (from The Fun They Had)
(by Isaac Asimov)

Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2157, she wrote, "Today, Tommy found a real book!"
It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper.
They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to--on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time.
"Gee," said Tommy, "what a waste. When you're through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it and it's good for plenty more. I wouldn't throw it away."
"Same with mine," said Margie. She was eleven and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was thirteen. She said, "Where did you find it?"
"In my house." He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. "In the attic." "What's it about?" "School."
Margie was scornful. "School? What's there to write about school? I hate school."
Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully and sent for the County Inspector.
He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn't know how to put it together again, but he knew how all right, and, after an hour or so, there it was again, large and black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn't so bad. The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. She always had to write them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old, and the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time.
The Inspector had smiled after he was finished and patted Margie's head. He said to her mother, "It's not the little girl's fault, Mrs. Jones. I think the geography sector was geared a little too quick. Those things happen sometimes. I've slowed it up to an average ten-year level. Actually, the over-all pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory." And he parted Margie's head again.
Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away altogether. They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out completely.
So she said to Tommy, "Why would anyone write about school?"
Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes. "Because it's not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago." He added loftily, pronouncing the word carefully, "Centuries ago."
Margie was hurt. "Well, I don't know what kind of school they had all that time ago." She read the book over his shoulder for a while, then said, "Anyway, they had a teacher."
"Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was a man." "A man? How could a man be a teacher?" "Well, he just told the boys and girls things and gave them homework and asked them questions." "A man isn't smart enough." "Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher." "He can't. A man can't know as much as a teacher." "He knows almost as much, I betcha."
Margie wasn't prepared to dispute that. She said, "1 wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me."
Tommy screamed with laughter. "You don't know much, Margie. The teachers didn't live in the house. They had a special building and all the kids went there." "And all the kids learned the same thing?" "Sure, if they were the same age."
"But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently."
"Just the same they didn't do it that way then. If you don't like it, you don't have to read the book."
"I didn't say I didn't like it," Margie said quickly. She wanted to read about those funny schools.
They weren't even half-finished when Margie's mother called, "Margie! School!" Margie looked up. "Not yet, Mamma."
"Now!" said Mrs. Jones. "And it's probably time for Tommy, too."
Margie said to Tommy, "Can I read the book some more with you after school?"
"Maybe," he said nonchalantly. He walked away whistling, the dusty old book tucked beneath his arm.
Margie went into the schoolroom. It was right next to her bedroom, and the mechanical teacher was on and waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday, because her mother said little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.
The screen was lit up, and it said: "Today's arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot."
Margie did so with a sigh. She was thinking about the old schools they had when her grandfather's grandfather was a little boy. All the kids from the whole neighborhood came, laughing and shouting in the schoolyard, sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another on the homework and talk about it.
And the teachers were people...
The mechanical teacher was flashing on the screen: "When we add the fractions 1/2 and 1/4..."
Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking about the fun they had.
Indice general de Say it now
Para abundar:

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés (IV) VOZ PASIVA

Indice general de "Say it now!"

Cuarta entrega

Voz Pasiva

" WAS she TOLD when she was young
That pain would lead to pleasure ?"

(Girl , Lennon & McCartney )

" Eleanor Rigby died in the church
and WAS BURIED along with her name "

(Eleanor Rigby , Lennon & McCartney )


Referencias teóricas

De uso sumamente frecuente, se utiliza para dar preeminencia a los objetos (sobre los que se ejerce una acción), que por sobre los sujetos (que ejercen la acción) En "Fue derribado el avión presidencial." es evidente que "avión presidencial" (objeto), viniéndose abajo, es noticia mucho más relevante que el tal subteniente de artillería (distraído) Juan Pérez (sujeto) que lo derribó.

La estructura básica de la voz pasiva en inglés equivale a la castellana.

ESTRUCTURA: Verbo To be + Participio Pasado

Nótese: The piano was broken by the visitor.

was , verbo BE
broken , participio pasado del verbo "break,"

El verbo BE, que siempre se traducirá por "SER", se puede hallar en cualquier tiempo verbal. A continuación se ofrece el mismo modelo en distintos tiempos verbales y algunos estímulos que responden a tales tiempos

The piano(s) WAS / WERE (fue / fueron, etc) broken by the visitor.
Est. 173, 175, 177, 178, 184, 186, 190, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 210 (ir)
The piano WILL BE (será) broken by the visitor.
Est. 166, 167, 171, 179, 180, 187, 192, 197, 203, 207 (ir)
The piano IS / WAS BEING (está/estaba siendo) broken by the visitor.
Est. 168, 196, 211. (ir)
The piano HAS / HAVE BEEN (ha / han etc. sido) broken by the visitor.
Est. 172, 176, 208, 109, 215. (ir)
The piano HAD BEEN (había sido) broken by the visitor
Est. 169, 188. (ir)
The piano WOULD BE (sería) broken by the visitor
Est. 170 (ir)

"by the visitor" es el complemento agente de la oración. En realidad es la persona que lleva a cabo la acción aunque, por lo dicho más arriba, casi siempre se omite. Sólo se encuentraen casos en que sea determinante del sentido general.

lt was composeD by Chopin.
Fue compuesto por Chopin.

Nótese el siguiente ejemplo:

Carlos was taken to prison.
Carlos fue llevado a prisión.

"Carlos" desempeña función objeto; no es el que lleva a cabo la acción, sino el que la recibe.


He was taught English.
"Se le enseñó inglés"

Los estímulos que equivalen a "He was taught English" (SE le enseñó...) son los número:

172, 173, 174, 175, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 210, 213, 215. (ir)

Sirva el ejemplo de referencia para la semejanza de estructura entre el inglés y el castellano. Nótese, sin embargo, que la traducción, concretada paso a paso, PALABRA POR PALABRA, no es satisfactoria. "El fue enseñado inglés" no es viable en castellano. Sólo lo es si incorporamos la variante pasiva de nuestra lengua, utilizando "se": "se le enseñó inglés"
En castellano la voz pasiva no necesariamente utiliza el verbo "ser".

Se distribuye leche.
Se analizarán los presupuestos provinciales.
Se estudiarán nuevas medidas.

Es evidente que se trata de tres oraciones en voz pasiva.
Bastaría con verificarlo :

La leche es distribuida.
Los presupuestos son analizados.
Nuevas medidas son estudiadas.
Para ejercitación, ir a Voz Pasiva, ejercicios donde encontrará abundante material.
Por consultas acuda a

Curso de Interpretación de textos en Inglés (III) ORACIONES CONDICIONALES

Indice general de Say it now
Con "Interpretación de textos" (I) y (II) hemos dado prácticamente por finalizada la taxonomía de tiempos verbales. No la hemos agotado pero un buen manejo de lo visto hace innecesario extenderla. A partir de ahora veremos estructuras.

Tercera entrega

- Referencias teóricas

Si vienes estudiaré.
Si lloviera vendría.
Si lo hubieras escrito lo habría entendido.
Si no estudias no pasarás.
Si no fumaras respirarías mejor.

Son todas oraciones condicionales. Se trata de dos oraciones en una sola proposición general. .

Si vienes / estudiaré

donde "estudiaré" es la principal y "si vienes" la subordinada condicional que se une a la anterior por la conjunción si.
Existen tres formas básicas de condición en inglés y todas ellas se ajustan a reglas verbales fijas.

1º. IF you study I will go
donde "IF you study" es la subordinada condicional y "I will go" la oración principal

IF - nexo - conjunción; se traduce por "si"

Traducción: Si estudias iré.
(Ver 149, 151, 164 en "Oraciones condicionales, Oraciones condicionales )
Nótese que la subordinada está en presente simple (IF you study) y la principal en futuro ( I will go )

2º : l WOULD go if you studied.

(Ir a Estímulos 136, 137, 141, 142, 145,147, 150, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 162 y 163 (ir)

En este segundo caso se introduce el modo condicional: WOULD

l WOULD go - iría
l WOULD be - sería
l WOULD study - estudiaría

Se traduce por un potencial castellano.

Nótese que la subordinada, que está en pasado simple (IF you studied) no puede, sin embargo, traducirse tal cual: "si Ud. estudió" porque no combinaría con la principal; "iría si estudió" no es buen castellano.
Conclusión: ante la presencia de WOULD y de IF el pasado simple se traduce como subjuntivo: si estudiaras.

Traducción: iría si estudiaras.

3º. l WOULD have gone / if you had studIED ,

(Ir a estímulos: 138, 139,140, 146, 155,159, 160, 161) (ir)
La variante es que la principal está en condicional pasado o perfecto:

l WOULD have - habría
gone - ido

y que la subordinada está en pasado perfecto, aunque, por la misma razón de 2, no puede traducirse tal cual (si habías estudiado).

IF you had studlED - si hubieras estudiado.

Traducción: Habría ido si hubieras estudiado


1. l will go IF you study

lré si estudias.

2. l WOULD go if you studied

lría si estudiaras.

3. l WOULD have gone IF you had studied.

Habría ido si hubieras estudiado.

Nexos que unen las proposiciones principales a las subordinadas.
If (si), unless (si no - a menos que), even if (aun cuando/si), if only (si tan sólo), so long as (siempre y cuando), suppose - supposing (suponiendo que), on condition that (bajo la condición que), provided (siempre y cuando), in case (en caso de que).

(Ejercitación en Oraciones condicionales ; chequear traducciones en Traducciones)
Si usted ha satisfecho las exigencias que le impuso el ejercicio, vaya a
Para abundar:

Monday, October 24, 2005

Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés (II) Tiempos PERFECTOS y FUT. CONTINUO

Indice general de Say it now
Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés

Segunda entrega

Oraciones: 76 – 135 /617.

Tiempos verbales involucrados


Se recuerda que traducir un texto no es pasar palabras de un idioma a otro. Es interpretar acabadamente en la lengua vernácula lo que otro individuo ha escrito en su propia lengua.
Así, las traducciones que le hacemos llegar pueden contener palabras distintas de las que Ud. ha utilizado sin que esto signifique que su trabajo esté mal.

Se recomienda el uso de un buen diccionario.

Le recordamos que puede Ud. consultarnos las veces que crea conveniente. Se le dará curso a sus dificultades en el día o de un día para otro en

Encontrará las traducciones en TRADUCCIONES

No olvide que las palabras pueden ser grandes impostoras. Traduzca ideas, no palabras.

76. What has he just done? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

No ponga usted "JUSTO"; hay algo mejor.

77. The leaves will be falling soon. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

"Leaves" tiene toda una historia "verde". Es el plural de "leaf".
Cuando se encuentre con tres verbos , ej. "will be falling" , traduzca los dos primero y recién el tercero: "will be" por un lado y "falling" por otro.

78. She told me his name after he had left. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"After" es un nexo entre dos oraciones (after: después de que...)

79. They haven't done it yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Todavía o aún. Elija
"It": ¿ recuerdas "them" o "him", o "her"?

80. When the plane took off l had not yet arrived. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"When" es un nexo.
81. Will you be using it tomorrow? (FUTURO CONTINUO )

Tres verbos.
82.How long have you lived here? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

How long? ¿Cúanto tiempo
83. He's just been to the cinema. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

'S = HAS. ¿Recuerdas que " 's " también puede ser "is"? "He'S going"

84. She had done nothing before she saw me. (PASADO PERFECTO)

En Inglés, si usted NO hace Nada, hace ALGO. / "Before" es un nexo

85. The airplane will be flying over Chicago when you learn about John. (FUTURO CONTINUO )

"Learn" significa algo más que "aprender"

86. She hasn't left the house yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Left: ver Est.78
87. l have been speaking all morning. (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

Espero que no haya dicho sandeces.

88. Have they finished yet? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

89- l won't be going unless you help me. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

O me ayudas o nada. "Unless" es un nexo: a menos que...

90-They thanked him for what he had done. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"For what" es un nexo: "por lo que..."

91- This child has never been to the movies. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

92- When will this student be taking his exam? (FUTURO CONTINUO)

Estos ingleses! Los profesores DAN examen y los alumnos TOMAN examen.

93- l was surprised that it had happened. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"That" es un nexo: que. ¿Recuerdas que puede omitirse?

94- He hasn't written a book since 1970. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

95- When you come back he will have already learnt them. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

"Come" funciona con "back"

96. He has been writing for seven hours. (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

Agotó el bolígrafo.

97- Have you ever cleaned it? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

"Ever" no es el opuesto de "never", ¿recuerdas?

98- He said he had written many short stories. (PASADO PERFECTO)

Written: ver Est.94 / En alguna parte se omitió "That". ¿Dónde? /Short stories: cuentos cortos.

99. By next December the boy will have passed it. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

Passed: ¿Será el paticipio pasado de "pass", "pasar"?

100- This cat has never tasted milk. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

101- The plane will have left before we arrive. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

"Arribar", en castellano, es con "B"

102- They have been living here since 1945. (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

103- The car has just turned right. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

104- The policeman declared he had taken the woman into prison. (PASADO PERFECTO)

Taken: dése una vueltita por Est.92. / Woman: mujer

105- l hope you will not have forgotten it by next June. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

106- She has waited for ten years. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Y sigue esperando.

107- She asked what had happened to the driver. (PASADO PERFECTO)

108-They will have finished long before he comes. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

109- Have you already had tea? (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Sí, a las cinco. Gracias.

110-Before you see them they will have opened lt. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

111-Did anybody know what had taken place? (PASADO PERFECTO)

"Taken place" , funcionan juntas
112- lf you don't come back before 10 o'clock they will have done it. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

Recuerde que DONE es el part. pas. de DO

113- My sister hasn't turned the radio on yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

"Turned" funciona con "on", no lo olvides.

114- The race will have started long before we leave home. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

"Start": comenzar y "leave": partir. Una ayudita extra.
115- He dressed after he had washed. (PASADO PERFECTO)

116- When l get back, they'll be having supper. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

117- She has already washed the dishes. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

118- They will have studied it by Monday. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

IT = Lo
119- What have you been doing lately? (PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO)

120- l haven't had breakfast yet. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Aunque se trata de dos verbos "have", no significan lo mismo
El segundo "Have" (HAD) funciona con "breakfast".

121- She will be doing the washing when he comes. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

Washing no es un verbo (aunque lo parezca) No puede serlo porque lo precede un artículo: "the". " El lavando" no va, ¿verdad?

122- He took it after l had told him not to do it. (PASADO PERFECTO)

123- The car will have won before Leonard is here. (FUTURO PERFECTO)

124- We´ve already read this book. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

125- He will be running when you come. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

126- He died after he had been ill for a long time. (PASADO PERFECTO)

"Be ill" : estar enfermo
127- She hasn't swept the carpet since 1971. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

since: desde
128- l'll be doing it tomorrow morning. (FUTURO CONTINUO )

129- They telephoned me after l had taken a bath. (PASADO PERFECTO)

130- He has just bought a new car. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

131- Only after she had given me the book did l read it. (PASADO PERFECTO)

Este estímulo se las trae.

132- Mr. Smith has sent a great many requests. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

133- They won't be waiting at 7 o'clock. (FUTURO CONTINUO)

134- l met a friend whom l had not seen for a long time. (PASADO PERFECTO)

135- Nobody's seen him so far. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)

Si usted ha satisfecho las exigencias que le impuso el ejercicio, vaya a

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Curso de Interpretación de textos en inglés (I) Tiempos SIMPLES y CONTINUOS

Indice general de Say it now
Primera entrega
Oraciones: 1 a 75 / 617.

Tiempos verbales involucrados

Verbo To be
Presente continuo
Presente simple
Pasado simple
Pasado continuo
Futuro simple

Se recuerda que traducir un texto no es pasar palabras de un idioma a otro. Es interpretar acabadamente en la lengua vernácula lo que otro individuo ha escrito en su propia lengua.
Así, las traducciones que le hacemos llegar pueden contener palabras distintas de las que Ud. ha utilizado sin que esto signifique que su trabajo esté mal.

Se recomienda el uso de un buen diccionario.

Le recordamos que puede Ud. consultarnos las veces que crea conveniente. Se le dará curso a sus dificultades en el día o de un día para otro por alguno de nuestros profesores a través de

Compare sus interpretaciones con las que ofrecemos en TRADUCCIONES

No olvide que las palabras pueden ser grandes impostoras. Traduzca ideas, no palabras.

l am a doctor. (Verbo To be)

You are doing it. (Presente continuo)
Don't you generally go to school? (Presente simple)

Did you know he worked there? (Pasado simple)

The lights went out while we were having dinner. ( Pasado continuo)

They won't do it. (Futuro simple)

They are here. (Verbo To be)

Where are they reading Hamlet? (Presente continuo)

She doesn't cook well. (Presente simple)

That plane flew over Paris last month. (Pasado simple)

She was reading a book when he came in. (Pasado continuo)

When will they take a holiday? (Futuro simple)

She's there. (Verbo To be)

What is he swimming along? (Presente continuo)

She often eats her lunch at noon. (Presente simple)

When did you lose your umbrella? (Pasado simple)

Many people were waiting at the station when l arrived. (Pasado continuo)

What shall we give her? (Futuro simple)

l'm not intelligent. (Verbo To be)

Why is he smoking in class? (Presente continuo)

l love to go to the theatre on rainy days. (Presente simple)

l visited them regularly last year. (Pasado simple)

The bus started when l was getting off. (Pasado continuo)

lt won't rain. (Futuro simple)

You are not in bed. (Verbo To be)

What am l cutting? (Presente continuo)

He wants to buy those new recorders. (Presente simple)

You did do it. (Pasado simple)

When the phone rang l was cooking. (Pasado continuo)

l think I'll catch a cold. (Presente simple)

Were you in Buenos Aires yesterday? (Verbo To be)

They are folding papers for the club. (Presente continuo)

He never watches TV. (Presente simple)

Who broke the piano? (Pasado simple)

We were living in France when the war started. (Pasado continuo)

They will walk home together tonight. (Futuro simple)

Is he in Brazil? (Verbo To be)

Are you sitting or standing? (Presente continuo)

Do they ever write their homework? (Presente simple)

They sat at the table and asked for the menu. (Pasado simple)

Where were you waiting when the plane landed? (Pasado continuo)

They will buy them for tea. (Futuro simple)

Was l at home? (Verbo To be)

He is turning on the radio. (Presente continuo)

Sometimes they also wash up. (Presente simple)

Didn't you sew it? (Pasado simple)

Just as I was walking down the street it began to rain. (Pasado continuo)

Where will you meet her? (Futuro simple)

They were making cakes when he came back. (Pasado continuo)

Norma didn't hide it. Pedro hid it. (Pasado simple)

He knew Pedro had it. (Pasado simple)

Do you frequently leave them alone? (Presente simple)

Mary always pushes her sister. (Presente simple)

The soldiers are marching to the front. (Presente continuo)

She doesn't often go to the shops. (Presente simple)

Mary is going to class. (Presente continuo)

They often read the newspaper every day. (Presente simple)

Who began work so late last night ? (Pasado simple)

The thief entered the house while they were eating. (Pasado simple)

Where were you yesterday? (Verbo To be)

Smith will take off at 3 a.m. (Futuro simple)

l shan't take it. Will you? (Futuro simple)

We shall all say goodbye to him. (Futuro simple)

He will cut it now. (Futuro simple)

They ate fish and chips. (Pasado simple)

What were you doing when the teacher sent them out? (Pasado continuo)

He often goes in the morning. (Presente simple)

Who was watering the garden when it began to rain? (Pasado continuo)

What do you do after school? (Presente simple)

Who wants to become famous? (Presente simple)

They like to live in Barcelona. (Presente simple)

They were walking over the bridge when my wife jumped into the water. (Pasado continuo)

l shan't open the box until he comes. (Futuro simple)

Will you go really? (Futuro simple)

l didn't kill him. He did. (Pasado simple)

Si ha satisfecho las exigencias que le impuso el ejercicio, vaya a

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